
Friday, February 11, 2011

Finally! Pizza dough recipe

Well.  Here is the pizza dough recipe that I have teased about posting...but somehow have slacked about doing.  I am posting this this morning so that EVERYONE can make Friday Night Pizza Night TONIGHT!  Its all the rage.

Izaak uses 1 cookie sheet and 1 pampered chef stone. So, halve the recipe to make only one.

Traditional pizza dough
3 teaspoons yeast
1 1/2 cup warm water
4 1/2 c flour (I like all Red Mill Whole Wheat pastry flour.  Izaak prefers 50/50 with white flour)
2 teaspoons salt
pinch of suga'
2 tables olive oil
*Yeast + 1/2 cup water in bowl.  stir to dissolve.   (set aside a few minutes)
*flour+salt+sugar.  Then add yeast mixture+olive oil+water (up to 1 cup but less if needed for right texture) once all combined...
*knead dough on lightly floured counter top until smooth and elastic (3 min?) Transfer to large bowl, spread a bit of oil on top of the dough- cover with cloth or plastic wrap to rise for 1 hour.  It should double.

Then roll it, pat it, spread your toppings, express your unique palette of tasty combinations...bake @425-450 until done 12-15 min.  I should think.

Optional enriched dough
same as above EXCEPT instead of 4 1/2 cup flour use:
4 cups flour
1/2 cup soy flour
3 Tables ground sesame seeds

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