
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

And being peed on got me in a tither.

In an  unscientific use of statistics I would say that we have used cloth diapers 98% of the time with Elliot and Henry. 2% of the time we are traveling or have a broken washer (or no washer) and use disposables. Currently we are away from home staying with family…and have been using disposables full time.

My summary of how I like it. 0%.

Cloth Diapers. After the initial cost outlay they only require an extra load of wash every other day or so. Done. Finito.

Disposables. Other than the paper crinkle sound that I don’t like. And a funny chemical baby powder smell that I ignore. Well I have been peed on twice this week. IN. PUBLIC. By a fully dressed, paper diaper wearing Henry. After I spend $20 on a box of convenient diapers labeled “for little movers” . PEED ON 2 TIMES! IN. PUBLIC. That, in economicspeak, is a poor return on my investment.

How many times have I been peed on by a baby in cloth? ZERO TIMES.

So, to anyone who ever told us that cloth diapers are unhygienic and gross (or thought it secretly in thier head but was too polite to say it outloud, even though your face grimaces and we totally know who you are)  well guess what?  

gross = poop and wiping.

The type of diaper you use doesn’t change poop and wiping. But the type of diaper you use impacts your experience of walking through a mall with a huge urine spot on your shirt (say, all down your back if baby was sitting in an Ergo when he offended).

Huge urine spot on shirt of an adult = unhygienic and gross.

Monday, May 09, 2011

Link Around the Town

Well.  Since I have given myself NO time to update the blog - YET I have had plenty of time to stay updated on everything else that I like to read (funny how that works out)  I have a list of links to share with you.

And I promise that as soon as the new power cord to the "big laptop" is purchased and I update my photos then I will excite and entertain you with the adventures we have been having. (We learned last week that you cannot use Radio Shack pieces and electrical tape to hobble together a suicidal cable forever.  Sometimes, even with TLC and frugal desperation, these things DIE).


Tina Fey's Prayer for a Daughter :  Amen Mama Fey.  My aunt tipped me off to Mila's daydream (and her bored? mama). You can see Where Children Sleep.  It sort of reminds me of one of my favorite books that I own Material World.  You can read more about that project at the NOVA site.  On a lighter, sillier, and more worldly note - you can check out CatalogLiving.  Basically, a very silly person has scanned in photos from catalogs (mostly pottery barn) and writes captions highlighting the unrealistic staging of catalog houses. 


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